In the 16 years we’ve been helping medium-sized companies use marketing to help achieve business growth, we’ve found that one of the mistakes firms often make is focusing on their outputs without getting their strategy and messaging right. Businesses often tell us they need a new website or brochure, without thinking about how their customers will use these materials to make their purchasing decisions. |
More often than not, this ad-hoc approach results in money being thrown away because you’re not getting the maximum effectiveness from your spend
That’s why we’ve developed our Route to Growth process – to ensure our clients get the best possible return on their marketing investment. It involves us holding two discovery sessions in which we get under the skin of our clients’ business and customers. This enables us to ensure we’re targeting their marketing effectively, and it’s an approach that our clients have said they get a lot of value from.
For instance, one of our clients commented to us after a session that it was the first time they felt like the marketing agency really understood them. While another client told us they could really see the value for money in the output and combined experience of the overall Route to Growth process.
What exactly do the discovery sessions involve?
Route to Growth is a six-stage process carried out in two phases: (1) foundation and (2) delivery. It starts with us carrying out a Strategic Marketing Review of your business and ends with us producing a marketing strategy to deliver your objectives.
The first session, with our marketing team, gives us a chance to sit down with the relevant stakeholders in your business to explore your industry and competitors, agree your objectives and look at how you communicate with your customers.
In the second session, which also brings in our content and creative teams, we get to the root of why your customers buy/use your product or service and analyse how they engage with your market.
Getting the right message to the right person is crucial – in fact, recent research shows that targeting the right individuals according to their persona increases leads by 124%
It’s one of the main reasons why we spend our second discovery session working with you to identify your ‘ideal’ customer and define your buyer personas.
A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. They’re based on real data about customer demographics and online behaviour, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.
What do you do with the information you get from the sessions?
We take the information from the discovery sessions and combine it with our own wider market research and competitor analysis to provide you with:
- A brand platform that resonates with your customers
- Website and collateral concepts
- An integrated marketing strategy comprising specific activity with a clear rationale and outcome and a mixture of short-term and longer-term lead generation tactics
Find out more about our Route to Growth here.