Effective Marketing for Membership Organisations

Consultancy Digital Strategy
More Marketing Psychology

“Business is all about relationships…. How well you build them determines how well they build your business.” – Brad Sugars

Socially distancing is not a great for business, but as Covid-19 drags on, it might be pretty catastrophic for professional bodies, who rely on networking, events and social interaction to truly sell the benefits of membership.

Some might say that as threshing separates the wheat from the chaff, so a difficult climate differentiates those member organisations who have harnessed effective marketing to build strong, socially distanced relationships with members.

So how do you build membership relationships in a socially distanced world? One crucial piece of the jigsaw is effective marketing. Every online visitor leaves a unique digital footprint which, if fully harnessed, can transform how successfully a professional organisation builds and maintains relationships. The internet provides rich evidence of which websites members visit, what content they read and what truly interests them.

The power of inbound

Inbound is a marketing strategy that utilises various forms of ‘pull marketing’ – blogs, webinars, events, SEO, social media and most importantly relevant, high value content. The inbound approach is to draw on the digital evidence of your members’ interests. The effective marketing strategy will then put relevant content in front of them that matches their current interest.

For example, if a member is interested in how Covid-19 is affecting the industry, the membership organisation can target the users’ key digital channels to place in front of them the relevant content. This quickly builds relationships, generates loyalty and builds true membership added value.

Find out more

Do you want to find out how to develop effective marketing strategies for your membership organisation?Then, download our free Effective Marketing Strategy guide.

Cognition have considerable experience of building very effective marketing strategies for membership organisations. We have worked with organisations representing groups as diverse as jewellers, pilots and plumbers!



If you need help building an effective digital marketing strategy, why not book a free online consultation with one of our digital marketing experts? All you need to do is bring the coffee! Book your appointment below.

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