Cognition Blog


The Overconfidence Effect: What Marketers can learn from Jeff Bezos’ Biggest Mistake

by Olly Forrester on May 1, 2024
Sometimes, even billionaires make mistakes. In 2014, Jeff Bezos had a plan to make Amazon a ‘loveable brand’. He wanted the e-commerce giant to be less Walmart and more...
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The Cognition Brain: The perfect blend of Science and Creativity

by Olly Forrester on September 28, 2022
Psychologist and Cognition Co-Founder, Dr Peter Hughes, explains how our proprietary methodology combines scientific and creative thinking to deliver outstanding...
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Why every marketing agency should have a scientific board

by Olly Forrester on September 22, 2021
But it is in the gathering of data where things start to fall apart. In fact, most of the time, things start to fall apart prior to gathering data. When data and...
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messaging framework

How to create a messaging framework and simplify your communications

by Olly Forrester on September 1, 2021
Creating a brand messaging framework and taking the time to position your business correctly within your market is one of the most overlooked tasks in marketing. Often,...
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Archive, optimise, repurpose? What to do with your old website content

by Olly Forrester on July 22, 2021
The world is constantly changing, which means content needs to be regularly updated to keep it relevant. Especially in technical areas, where software updates or...
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5 things you need to know about HubSpot’s new Operations Hub

by Olly Forrester on May 7, 2021
Get up to speed on HubSpot’s latest addition to its expanding CRM platform. As Diamond HubSpot Partners, we get pretty excited when Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah...
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