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Case study: Seed


“The approach taken by Cognition was very refreshing in that there is a clear strategy formed on the back of data and market analysis relevant to our business."

Shane Jegathjenan, Operations Director. Seed Property Consultants

Learn how we created an evidence based marketing plan which simplified data for Seed Property Consultants.

The business

Seed Property Consultants create bespoke property investment strategies for clients with over £100,000 to invest.


The challenge

Cognition were tasked to help Seed achieve the following business objectives:

Create and implement a platform and marketing strategy that:

  • Increases turnover by 58% within 24 months
  • Develop the brand and proposition
  • Increase the export market
  • Help reposition the brand externally and internally

The solution

On the basis of our unique approach to marketing strategy, we:

  • Identified key objectives for 6 months, 12 months and beyond
  • Identified the key target market of married men in professional roles

We then created an evidence-based 12 month marketing plan that integrated tactics from all elements of the marketing mix across multiple channels, ensuring there was a robust platform in place capable of meeting every key objective.

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"Without defining key pillars such as the personas of the individuals we are targeting for example would mean that we would not know how to engage with them. I think we are inheriting the capability of a very talented team who are enabling us to realise the potential of our business.”

Shane Jegathjenan, Operations Director, Seed Property Consultants


The results

After 3 months, Seed now have:

  • A process for generating sustainable, profitable growth
  • Clarity of purpose within the business

Clear metrics through which everyone, including Cognition, is accountable for their actions.

Get in touch today

Learn more about our psychological approach to marketing and how our services are informed by scientific expertise.

Our blend of digital marketing, psychology and technology, is delivering tangible value to SMEs and global corporations in territories as diverse as the UK, Europe, the Americas, Russia & Asia.

They can also deliver value to you.

T: +44 121 725 3966

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